Welcome To Rich Hot and Happy

RHH is about empowering women around the globe to find their inner leader and become the powerhouse you believe you were born to be.

Your RHH team are a bunch of women just like you who understand the pressures of being a woman in modern society (while we're not quite burning our bras) we are here to create for you a platform to learn support and grow amongst a group of chicks that 'get it' and are In This to lead the way for you to Discover Your True Potential.

The RHH Ladies x

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates!


As I strolled on the beach this morning, I took a moment to reflect on my life and how things had evolved, what came up for me was fear, isn't it funny the things you fear the most, end up putting the biggest smile on your face.

For some reason, as I was walking, the saying came up for me, "Life is Like a Box of Chocolates"!

Not sure why this came it, I don't even like chocolate!:-)

Take a moment and visualise a box of chocolates, yes I know that will be hard for you, there are so many flavours, tastes, colours, the options are endless.

I'm wondering what space you come from as you sit and stare at the a box of chocolates, is it a feeling of abundance or a feeling of lack. Do you struggle to make a decision because you don't want to miss out, or are you OK with choosing one and being satisfied with your decision knowing that there is more any other day you choose?

Because what I have realised more recently is that the way we look at the box of chocolates, ie abundance or lack, will affect our decisions and therefore the outcome.

Do you want them all now, just in case someone else takes one, I'm wondering how much you really savour the flavour in this moment. Or do you enjoy the moment and savour it for as long as you can!!

In the moment I came from a place of lack and felt that I was going to miss out, guess what I Was Always Going to Miss Out! Because that is what I told myself.

Not sure about you, but I don't like to miss out, so the wheels needed to change and the only change was from lack to abundance.

One day I decided to try on being in a place of Abundance and now I wear my Abundance day in day out. Isn't that a great place to be!!

Maybe you wear your abundance outfit all the time, sometimes or rarely, whatever it is for you it is where you are meant to be right now. If and when you decide to open the box of chocolates and you are totally satisfied with one flavour, then you too are in a place of Abundance.

Having abundance in your life, means that you can have whatever you want whenever you want it! There are no boundaries or obstacles, how can there be in a place of abundance.

Next time you open the box of chocolates, what flavour are you going to choose :-)

Anna and Kim
The Business Bootique

PS. For more information about The Business Bootique click here

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