Welcome To Rich Hot and Happy

RHH is about empowering women around the globe to find their inner leader and become the powerhouse you believe you were born to be.

Your RHH team are a bunch of women just like you who understand the pressures of being a woman in modern society (while we're not quite burning our bras) we are here to create for you a platform to learn support and grow amongst a group of chicks that 'get it' and are In This to lead the way for you to Discover Your True Potential.

The RHH Ladies x

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Juggling Act: Work Life Balance

It's no secret to us all that we live in a very busy society, with so much to do that we can feel a little over-whelmed, pressured and often unable to make a decision. There are so called so many ways that we can get a 'work-life balance' that offer us an elusive quality of life called 'balance'. The biggest challenge is finding the right path for us that will lead us to a real improvement in the quality, appreciation and joy in our lives.

In an increasingly hectic world, it's becoming more difficult to achieve a balance between all the competing demands we face. Often, work alone becomes our focus, to the detriment of health, personal relationships and family life.

The work/life balance initiatives we are experiencing such as job sharing, flexible working hours, working from home and paid maternity and paternity leave are all steps in the right direction but as we know, these don't always translate to a work/life balance in our personal lives.

So what steps do we need to take as individuals to ensure we are living a balanced life and not relying on external factors to make it happen for us.

So here are some useful tips to help you live a more balanced life from now on. It takes great effort to decide to focus on you and not be bombarded by external influences. So this is a start....

Become self aware
The first step is to become self aware of our behaviours, until we are aware we cannot make any changes. We need to observe and take note of where we currently are before trying to make changes. I know this may sound obvious and a pretty basic step, it's one that many of us fail to do properly and then often wonder why things don't change. Generally, any change in behaviour, usually only lasts when our underlying values and beliefs towards this behaviour are understood.
Look closely at the key areas of your life in which you are seeking to find more balance. Everyone's priorities will be different in for different people, so become clear what is important for you to focus on.

Address your stress
When our life is out of balance there is often a trail of signs that follow it....stress, over-whelm, exhaustion. Our moods will often reflect who we are being, so take the time to be aware of our reactions so you can make an informed decision to condition the behaviour or to change it. Our perceptions play a role in relation to how stressed we feel. If we're in a rush and we panic to complete and get everything done in the day, then we may need to assess our perceptions towards our behaviour.
If we learn ways to relax and stress reduction techniques, we will often experience a shift in ourselves and our minds and can enormously contribute to a renewed sense of balance. Often, we may hugely overestimate what's humanly possibly in one day. Juggling several demands such as work deadlines, parenting, housework and downtime with friends and family will never go away, but our perceptions towards these conflicting demands can chance - and they can change instantly.

Manage your time meaningfully
Isn't it interesting that we have a tendency to think good time management is about fitting more activities into the same amount time. Increased balance in life has nothing to do with fitting more in, but rather fitting more things in our life that are meaningful to us. What is a good idea is to become really clear what is important to you for example, health, physical fitness, family's wellbeing, financial security etc.
How many times have you heard somebody say they would go to the gym and work out if only they had the time? So if this is you, then question whether or not you truly believe physical health is a major priority for you in the first place. It's amazing how we can seem to fit in the things that are truly important to us.

Plan purposefully
Many of us love to plan our day, however if we still feel like we haven't achieved enough we will feel a sense of dissatisfaction. Too often, we assume that engaging in the exercise of planning is equivalent to ensuring we are creating work/life balances for ourselves. We need to do more than just plan, we need to align our plan with our purpose and a sense of why we are doing what we are doing. It is generally the big picture that helps shape and determine the smaller picture. So think big when initiating change.

How can you regain your own work/life balance?
1. Become aware of your behavioural patterns. Start a journal and note your biggest time-wasting or least productive activities throughout your day. Commit to reduce the total time involved in these activities over a period of time. You will be amazed when you go back and reflect after a month.
2. Work/life balance is not about fitting more in your day. It's about engaging the things that bring satisfaction, fulfilment, enjoyment and meaning on a professional and personal level. Firstly try to establish what your core values and desires are. Once you have established these, reduce or even better eliminate everything in your daily life and work that do not contribute to your levels of satisfaction, fulfilment and enjoyment.
3. Look at all the areas of your life including physical and emotional health, friendships and family. Are there any areas you can identify that are in need of improvement? Are there any unnecessary financial or professional pressures that coudl be eliminated by an attitude shift? Eliminate stress and worry where possible and commit to your decision to change your life.
4. Make exercise a top priority and ensure you feed your body with healthy food so you increase the amount of brain power foods in your diet. Memory enhancing foods are also 'feel good foods' and great energy providers. These include fish, nuts, berries, dark leafy vegetables.
5. Practice proper breathing techniques, or even better begin to meditate regularly, if you haven't already. This a wonderful way to give to your daily balance.

Just start with one thing tomorrow and you are on your way....

Good luck!!!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Never Give Up - I'm on a Mission!!

Hello to you all,

I had the pleasure this morning of waking very early and unable to get back to sleep, I am sure you know what I am talking about, isn't that frustrating!

So I thought I would make the most of it and start working for the day - or am I crazy!

In the last couple of weeks I have unfortunately had several people around me go through quite a lot of pain and heartache. It's heart wrenching to see those around you in so much pain and if you could only do or say something to make them feel better then it will be better, right!!

As I look back over the past 10 years I too have experienced much pain through a divorce, death and severe health problems. As I look back, I vividly remember seeing others around me hurting for me however all I could face at that point in time was my pain because it hurt too much to see others in pain for me!! So I avoided my pain so others wouldn't be pain for me, silly uhhh.

Man, what a vicious cycle I created......

What I did learn in my time of pain was that I had a choice to; avoid feeling the pain and pretend it wasn't there, shut myself off from the world so I could hide from my pain, acknowledge there was pain and feel it or externalise it and talk to heaps of people to help me through it! I would say I chose all four at different points in time....

Just like you, we don't want to feel pain or see others be in pain, what I have learnt from my personal experience is that I needed to feel it, acknowledge it and most importantly never give up!

I get that is easy to say and not so easy to do.....

How can you tell someone who has just lost a baby to never give up....the little, adorable baby was her life.

As I drowned in my pain, there was one little ray of light that got me through every day, HOPE!!

It didn't matter for me what that looked like, how it would appear or when it would come....all that mattered was that I had hope! And even in the times when this light was dim I turned to the people around me and saw the hope shining in their eyes and that was enough for me to believe it was out there waiting for me.

All I can say for my friend who lost her baby is that, there is hope outside of the pain and suffereing...like its there for all of us! We are the only ones who can choose when we recognise the shining light of Hope.

We all experience pain in different ways...however we can all experience Hope!!!!

Be the strong light of hope for those around you in pain, it is the most special gift you can give.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Open the space and it will happen!!

Hi ya,
As I sit here on my couch in total silence, I appreciate what I have, total silence. It is such a foreign concept to many woman, wouldn't you agree.

Just like you, I run a very busy life and rarely sit down to relax, there is always something that needs to be done. As women we are so good at occupying our time because the moment we sit down we remember there is something to do, so we get back up and keep doing......

So I'm curious when was the last time you sat down with a cup of tea or coffee on your own, in total silence and opened the space. Imagine if you were to create this space, how would you feel, what would you see and what would you be hearing!

Are you wondering what am I opening the space for, I don't know, you won't know until you give yourself the space.

And Yes I totally understand as woman, we are mothers, working woman, friends, partners with an array of other hats we put on so no wonder there is little time to have that moment. I agree!

Let me tell you I was an expert at it, for whatever reason I did it, it doesn't matter, it is different for us all, what I do know is that, when I did give it a try I didn't like it. Fancy that not liking something that is so good for you.

I would keep myself busy and fill my calendar every day, so I was busy. That just sounds exhausting even writing that. It was wearing me out!! Little did I know at the time that I was only cheating myself of being the best I could be!

This means that I was running a very routine life, doing the same things day in day out and achieving the same results. Any wonder I wasn't happy in my life, I was not creating space for creativity, imagination, day dreaming, hope, laughter and love.

What was it that I didn't like about this open, free and clear space, Argh it was uncomfortable, unfamiliar, scary and let's say boring. As I became aware of my behaviours I wondered what I found so boring. My God, one day I realised what I found boring was Me!

So I made a decision to find the 'Exciting' Me. This meant I needed to clear space in my life, because it was so full I was not open to new and 'exciting' creativity, imagination and hope.

You may have a different reason to me, all that matters is that we open up and open up as wide as we can!

I wake up every day now with so much space, so much space for opportunities, creativity, imagination, isn't that a great place to be!

And whow my life has changed, it's mind-blowing, both on a professional and personal level.

Wouldn't you agree, this is the place you would like to be every day, all day!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates!


As I strolled on the beach this morning, I took a moment to reflect on my life and how things had evolved, what came up for me was fear, isn't it funny the things you fear the most, end up putting the biggest smile on your face.

For some reason, as I was walking, the saying came up for me, "Life is Like a Box of Chocolates"!

Not sure why this came it, I don't even like chocolate!:-)

Take a moment and visualise a box of chocolates, yes I know that will be hard for you, there are so many flavours, tastes, colours, the options are endless.

I'm wondering what space you come from as you sit and stare at the a box of chocolates, is it a feeling of abundance or a feeling of lack. Do you struggle to make a decision because you don't want to miss out, or are you OK with choosing one and being satisfied with your decision knowing that there is more any other day you choose?

Because what I have realised more recently is that the way we look at the box of chocolates, ie abundance or lack, will affect our decisions and therefore the outcome.

Do you want them all now, just in case someone else takes one, I'm wondering how much you really savour the flavour in this moment. Or do you enjoy the moment and savour it for as long as you can!!

In the moment I came from a place of lack and felt that I was going to miss out, guess what I Was Always Going to Miss Out! Because that is what I told myself.

Not sure about you, but I don't like to miss out, so the wheels needed to change and the only change was from lack to abundance.

One day I decided to try on being in a place of Abundance and now I wear my Abundance day in day out. Isn't that a great place to be!!

Maybe you wear your abundance outfit all the time, sometimes or rarely, whatever it is for you it is where you are meant to be right now. If and when you decide to open the box of chocolates and you are totally satisfied with one flavour, then you too are in a place of Abundance.

Having abundance in your life, means that you can have whatever you want whenever you want it! There are no boundaries or obstacles, how can there be in a place of abundance.

Next time you open the box of chocolates, what flavour are you going to choose :-)

Anna and Kim
The Business Bootique

PS. For more information about The Business Bootique click here

Monday, April 19, 2010

Living A Better Life!!!!


We are so excited to share with you how Rich Hot and Happy is evolving, the girls are on board and feeling pumped to bring you the best they know. This means that you now have a 'One Stop Central Station' as a female to the lastest and greatest in health and nutrition, style, career, business, finance, relationships and so much more.

Just like you, we have had relationship challenges, battled with our body image, hammered our credit cards to the point of $0 in the bank and between us been in and out of 12 jobs.

By no means does this make us experts in any or all of these areas, what it does mean is that we have experienced the feelings, you know the one's, when you feel you are stuck in a situation and there is no escape or when you eat to make yourself feel better, you really know that it won't help you down the track but in that moment you don't care! And what about those days when you look in the mirror and nothing works for you, no matter how many outfits you try on.

What we do know, is with all the ups and downs, we have now decided to choose the life we want to live today and every day in the future. And that's exciting, wouldn't you agree!

Rich Hot and Happy is about inspiring, helping, guiding and leading woman, so you can be more empowered, more confident, more informed and even more powerful.

It is only You that chooses Your future, we will give you as much encouragement and knowledge as we possibly can, all we ask is that you start to become more aware of the decisions you make on a daily basis. Do these decisions help or hinder the outcome that you so deserve to have? Once we became more aware of our thoughts and subsequent decisions, Whow did our results change. And so can yours!

What might help you make decisions that will allow you to live the life as you want, is to take a break from the hype of your life, just for a couple of minutes every day. We have a notebook with us 24/7 that we note down anything that comes up for us.

This is for you and only you......

What we noticed is that once we cleared our minds, we suddenly created the space for so much more, in whatever area of our life we chose.

Until next time, get your pen and paper ready, clear your mind. It really works!

Anna and Kim
The Business Bootique

PS. For more information about The Business Bootique click here.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome To Rich Hot and Happy

Hey and Welcome to RHH

Thanks for visiting and we are delighted to have you onboard with us becuase we are dedicated to making women around the globe more empowered, more confident, more informed and even more powerful, and if you are here it means that you must be too. 

We are still putting the final touches on the blog and getting the girls ready in the pamper room so they can jump on board and support you too.

Add this page to your favorites and stop past in a couple of days to meet your Rich Hot and Happy support team.

Happy Easter

The RHH Crew